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Hello! I am Miao Shuning

An IT student aspiring to be a full-stack developer.

My Skills:

HTML, CSS, Javascript, react, redux, typescript, GraphQL, mongodb, express, node.js, tailwindcss, firebase

Social media:


Full-stack developer intern

Kyky Today

02/2024 - present

  • Develop and maintain web applications using version control (git), HTML, JavaScript, React, CSS, and Firebase.
  • Collaborate with the development team to implement new features and updating existing features.
  • Participate in Scrum development processes and work cooperatively with others.
  • Use task management tools like Trello to track and manage assigned tasks.

Recent Projects


Sociify - Social Media Web Application

A fully-featured social media web application built with the MERN stack.


Listify - Bloglist Application

A blog MERN web application. Implemented features for creating, categorizing, and managing blog posts. Utilized Redux for state management and user authentication.


BookNest - Book Management Application

A full-stack web application using GraphQL. Users can sign up, log in, add books, and explore detailed pages of authors and books.


Patientor - Patient Record Management

A TypeScript-based web application for simplified patient record management. Users can add new patients, view patient entries, and add new entries with different forms.


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